Stress and Jaw Pain

Stress can easily be the source of your soreness and jaw pain. Stress is the direct result of how your body reacts to and then manages challenging or demanding circumstances, but constant stress can present itself in physical ways. Clenching or grinding your teeth from stress will put a strain on your jaw muscles, increasing the pressure on the two TMJ jaw joints, which will lead to jaw pain.

You might often feel jaw pain when you are dealing with stress. Stress and your jaw share an improbable and unique bond. Your jaw pain could be an immediate sign of your stress. You may also experience muscle pain, a toothache, or a headache from stress. Addressing and managing your stress can help in reducing and eliminating these pains.

Recommendations to Help Manage Your Stress

A good place to start is to specifically identify your stressors. Identify the reoccurring things during your day that cause you stress.

* Live healthy – Make a concerted effort to develop a consistent eight-hour sleep pattern. Regular exercise will also boost the feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins, in your brain. The exercise does not need to be challenging. You see positive results by simply walking three times a week at a comfortable pace for 30 minutes.

* Accept when some things are out of your control – Do not react with an angry action. Train yourself to accept and let it go and then create a list of what you are grateful for. You will be a pleasantly surprised.

* Attempt to avoid the stressor or modify your situation – A suitable place to start is with your schedule. Stress will always increase when you are running late. Prepare for situations in advance that you know will be stressful. Create some obtainable goals, establish priorities, and recognize your accomplishments. It can also be beneficial to learn to say No. Do not hesitate to ask for help.

* Alter your response – If you cannot avoid the stressor, then change how you react. Take the initiative to choose your response versus being reactive. Create some space between the stress trigger and your reaction.

* Find a way to relax – Keep the unavoidable stress in balance with some interests that help your mind relax. Listen to music, develop a hobby, perform abdominal breathing, mediating, mindfulness, or yoga. They can all help you in relieving the tension and help with a positive focus. The activity chosen does not matter if it refocuses your attention on something calming.

How long can the jaw pain persist from the stress? Flare-ups could last a few days to several weeks. Signs and symptoms of a TMJ jaw joint flare-up usually include pain, which can be either constant or intermittent. Consult with your dentist regarding your jaw pain, they might refer you to a physical therapist.

A Physical Therapist Might Provide Relief

If your jaw pain is constant, a physical therapist might help treat and relieve your jaw pain. They could use different techniques such as an ultrasound, manipulation, a massage, or dry needling, to relieve the stress and help with positive results to:
* Reduce jaw pain and the headaches.
* Return you to your normal lifestyle activities.
* Reduce unpleasant dietary restrictions.
* Minimize any neck pain you may have.
* Improve the range of motion with your jaw.
* Stop the locking of your jaw.


What is the Reason for Jaw Pain