How Much Does Dental Bone Grafting Cost?


Gum Disease


Two common side effects associated with gum disease include one loss and the loss of gum tissue. In cases of advanced gum disease, patients with a missing tooth often do not have enough bone in the jaw needed for supporting a dental implant. The best solution for replacing missing teeth is dental implants. In order for patients to be a good candidate for implants, they must first have an adequate amount of bone mass required to place the implant. When patients have a missing tooth that is not quickly replaced, it often results in bone loss and resorption.


Bone Grafting


A highly effective dental procedure for restoring bone loss in the jaw is bone grafting. This procedure also has high success rates. The procedure allows patients with a damaged jawbone to qualify for dental implants. In order for the dental implant to be successful, patients must have a strong and secure jawbone to act as the base. Prior to bone grafting, the dental professional will perform a thorough evaluation of the jawbone. The patient’s jaw must be the correct dimensions for the implant.


Grafting Procedure


Bone grafting begins with preparation and x-rays. The dental professional may request a CT scan which provides them with additional detail beyond a standard x-ray. The provider will then decide which type of bone grafting will work best for the patient and their unique needs. Some of the most common grafting procedures include a socket graft, block bone grafting, and sinus grafting. The provider may also determine that a combination of these procedures will best meet the needs of the patient.


Material Options


The dental team will then determine the type of bone grafting material to use for the procedure. It is possible for the grafting materials to come from the patient, a donor, animal, or be created from synthetic material. The dental professional will fill the treatment site with the selected bone grafting material. After placement of the material, the body requires time for healing. As the body recovers and heals, it replaces the grafted material with natural bone. The grafted bone is a placeholder or framework which prompts the body to fill the area with natural bone.




The cost for bone grafting can drastically vary based on factors including the severity of the patient’s bone loss, grafting material being used, procedure, and patient’s health. The cost for a simple bone graft with synthetic bone is about $300-$800 for a single implant. When bone graft material is obtained from another part of the patient’s own body, hospitalization is often required. This naturally increases the overall cost for the procedure. Obtaining bone from another part of the body typically requires involvement from an orthopedic surgeon and anesthesiologist. In this case, the bone graft procedure will cost an average of $2,500-$3,500.




The patient’s dental insurance can also have a direct impact on the cost. It is important for patients to work with their insurance provider to determine their coverage and the cost for their procedure. Many dental offices also offer financing options and payment plans.


Any additional procedures and imaging can have an impact on the cost for bone grafting. Call the office to make an appointment with the dental team. The office can also provide patients with the cost for bone grafting based on their specific needs.

Are Dental Bone Grafts Painful?