There are several causes that can lead to having a tooth that moves, first of all, the inflammation of the periodontium, the so-called periodontitis: this pathology manifests itself with a progressive detachment of the gums from the teeth themselves and has the most obvious consequence just one or more teeth that move abnormally.
For example, those suffering from chronic gingivitis are more likely to develop even severe forms of periodontitis, with a consequent detachment of the teeth from the gums themselves, a condition that leaves the periodontal pockets uncovered, opening in turn to possible infections, because over time in these Loose areas can accumulate bacteria favored by food residues which further compromise the health of gums and teeth. Hence, having a tooth that moves is not a cause, but a symptom: the symptom of something wrong with our gum structures.
So, if you notice that you have a tooth that moves, it is essential to contact your trusted dentist as soon as possible who will be able to investigate the causes and put in place the most effective remedies to counteract the worsening of the problem.
Tooth that moves: is it the fault of the gums?
We have said how having a tooth that moves can be a condition determined by the inflammation of the periodontium, but how does it happen? In the event that an inflammation of the gums develops, or gingivitis, there will be a swelling of the gums themselves: the plaque accumulated on the teeth, then descended towards the periodontal pockets, will favor the detachment of the gums from the teeth themselves and here we are. it will easily end up with one tooth moving or multiple teeth moving. It is not easy to realize that you have developed periodontitis and it is likely that it is the condition of the tooth that moves that triggers the alarm: often gingival inflammation, especially during the early stages, passes in silence until gingival bleeding, the swelling and mobility of one or more teeth do not sound the alarm bell.
But the causes of a moving tooth can also be other: a dental abscess, which also manifests swelling, inflammation and pain, can be another reason why you find yourself with a more mobile tooth than usual.
Even bruxism, that is the continuous and involuntary rubbing of the dental arches between them, especially during the night, can be at the base of a tooth that moves, especially when the mobility is accompanied by an evident consumption of the dental enamel, pain upon awakening with frequent muscular tensions at the temporomandibular level and the weakening of the teeth with consequent dental hypersensitivity.
There are other conditions that cause a moving tooth or even diffuse tooth mobility, as in the case of pyorrhea. Pyorrhea, also known as periodontitis, is a disease that affects our gums. It is caused generally by plaque that builds up on the teeth and the bacteria that are present in the mouth when you do not remove this plaque. Periodontitis is a serious disease that requires the intervention of your dentist.