Can You Get Veneers With Missing Teeth

If you are looking to replace missing teeth, you are on the right track. Replacing missing teeth early is a smart move to avoid long term problems associated with missing teeth. However, while veneers are a beautiful tooth replacement option, they do require viable tooth material to attach to. So, depending on the situation that caused missing teeth, veneers may or may not be a replacement option.


What causes missing teeth?

Missing teeth are caused by any of several options
* Gum Disease or Infection
* Disease
* Diabetes
* Medication
* Trauma


The overwhelming cause of tooth damage and loss is due to infection and poor dental hygiene. Taking good care of your teeth and gums will protect them from loss and decay. Sometimes this is out of our control, and luckily tooth replacement options have expanded and are readily available.


Tooth Replacement Options


1. Crowns or Caps- Similar to veneers, crowns or caps require healthy tooth material to attach to. Materials vary and can be customized to the aesthetic of your choice.

2. Bridges- Dental bridges are aesthetic teeth that are anchored to other healthy teeth in a row. This allows you to protect your jaw, gums, and other teeth while replacing missing teeth. Bridges are a secure option, but they do leave an exposed gumline underneath which will require hygienic attention.

3. Dental Implants- This is by far the most dynamic and comprehensive option. Dental Implants are inserted into your jaw through the gumline of a replacement tooth. This allows the Dental Implant to be anchored into the jaw, making it as secure and stable as the original tooth. The materials are varied and very durable, making it stronger than original teeth. You can also layer the composite material with porcelain to create an aesthetic much like a porcelain veneer.

4. Veneers- Veneers are typically composite porcelain which is attached to the front of otherwise healthy tooth material. If your tooth is completely extracted, there is no material to attach to the veneer. While it is an appealing replacement option, it will not work for all situations. Veneers are also more fragile, because porcelain is a relatively fragile material.


What happens if you do not replace missing teeth?

Missing teeth are associated with depression, low self esteem, and mental health in patients who live without replacing them. Patients opt not to smile as often, which in turn leads them to feel less happy. Patients with missing teeth also do not have as much autonomy over their diet and what they choose to eat. Because eating a healthy diet has become more precise and varied, patients with missing teeth are not always able to choose the best foods to eat, and instead turn to the foods which are easiest to eat; foods that make them feel less self conscious. Unfortunately, it is also very common for patients with missing teeth to lose more teeth if they do not replace them. For any number of reasons, the ergonomics of your mouth and consistent chewing and swallowing motions do not account for gaps. When gaps in teeth are present it typically leads to more damage to otherwise healthy teeth, gums, and jaws.


What Happens If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth