What Happens If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth

If you do not replace missing teeth you leave yourself open to multiple complications in the long term. Patients who live with missing teeth on average have a poorer diet, poor self esteem, and eventually will loose more teeth. This is not necessarily true for all, but these complications do occur when teeth are not replaced.


What happens when you do not replace missing teeth?

When you opt to not replace missing teeth several things happen. Firstly patients tend to feel more self conscious, less willing to smile. When we choose not to smile, on average, we do not feel as happy. Living with missing teeth is associated with depression, anxiety, and low self esteem. Secondly patients tend to opt for food options which are easier to eat, or do not make them feel self conscious. Your diet is a tricky balance, and it can be difficult to choose healthy options when nutrient dense high calorie options are so readily available. Patients who do not replace their teeth are more limited in what they choose to eat, which can lead to poor dietary choices.


When patients do not replace missing teeth they leave the door open for further tooth loss. Over time chewing, eating, swallowing, and speaking with missing teeth will cause problems in your jaw. The teeth will line up improperly for mastication, or chewing, and this will lead to malocclusion. Patients with maloccluded teeth will experience jaw and mouth pain as your gums and jaw attempt to account for the unequal distribution of bite force. This can lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which causes shooting sharp pain throughout the jaw up to the ear. The misalignment will also over time allow otherwise healthy teeth to move, be exposed to harmful bacteria, or become physically damaged. All this contributes to a higher likelihood of further tooth loss, and damage to your jaw and dental health. The best way to avoid having to lose or replace more missing teeth is to replace any that you are missing early.


Tooth replacement options

* Caps or Crowns- With otherwise healthy tooth material or roots, you can simply have a dental crown attached to your healthy tooth material. The piece that attaches to the top is called either a Cap or Crown. However, if the remaining tooth structure is already deteriorating or at risk of doing so, this may be a short term option.

* Bridges- Bridges allow a superficial tooth or teeth replacement option to be placed in line with other healthy teeth. It can help to protect your other teeth and jaw, and it is totally secure after placement. The only concern here is accurate dental hygiene, because underneath the bridge, there is still exposed gumline.

* Dental Implants- Dental implants completely replace missing teeth, down into the root. They are more durable than your original teeth, and completely secure while laughing and eating. The process for implants is a bit longer than most others, so begin discussing options to replace your missing teeth with your Dentist or Dental Surgeon right away.


What is the Problem with Missing Teeth