What happens if you leave a broken tooth

A tooth fracture is different from a broken tooth. It is characterized by the breakdown of the dental element, which can be just a small part or larger portions, even reaching the root. Broken teeth can be divided by the type of break and the ensuing damage caused by the break.

Types of breaks:

* fissures: these are lines of more superficial cracks that usually only affect the tooth enamel. They don't always need treatment
* cracked tip: in this case, the most pointed portion of the tooth suffers damage, which usually happens when it is much more salient than the rest of the teeth
* cracked tooth: here the crack manifests itself throughout the entire length of the tooth, from its tip to close to the gum, often reaching the root. The damage is more severe and can reach internal tissues
* cracks: manifest when the cracked tooth does not receive treatment. Due to the extent of the damage, a kind of crack opens, dividing the tooth in two


It is very common to have a broken tooth and to have no symptoms. This problem may go unnoticed when the break is small or superficial, however, in cases where it affects internal tissues, such as dentin and pulp, discomfort occurs, such as:

* sensitivity to temperature variations
* constant pain of varying intensity
* sharp pain when chewing


The tooth may also show changes in its shade due to the accumulation of dye from food and/or drink. Thus, the tendency is for the fissure to undergo infiltrations, assuming a yellowish, brownish or grayish hue.


What are the main causes of breakage?


Broken teeth can appear for different reasons, and they occur both in those teeth that are in the aesthetic part of the smile, and those that are located further back in the mouth. If you have a broken tooth, the enamel is usually the first portion damaged. With that, it ceases to play its role and the internal parts are exposed. Thus, in addition to the symptoms, if a break is ignored, there is a greater propensity for the development of oral problems and diseases, such cavities, enhanced tooth sensitivity, and further breakage.


Symptoms of a broken tooth


Since sometimes the breakages in teeth are so small or in less visible back teeth, you will not always be able to see broken teeth. Strong and fleeting pain when biting, wear and tear when eating and drinking some foods and pains that come and go are good reasons to trigger the warning signal. Of course, these symptoms are not always the result of a broken tooth, mainly because they are also common among patients with cavities, root canals and even tooth sensitivity. Therefore, it is important not to ignore any mouth pain if it lingers. It is also important to make sure you are visiting your dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and X-rays. The X-rays will be able to spot any small breaks that you may not yet see or feel.

Why did a piece of my tooth break off