How Painful is Gum Grafting

When you maintain regular dental appointments, try to keep up with your at home dental routine, and the dentist informs you that you have receding gums you may find yourself surprised. You thought that if your gums were receding that you would have pain or discomfort, but you have not noticed any throughout the day. Despite the efforts of people to take care of their teeth and gums, gum recession may not be able to be controlled by any of their actions. One of the best ways to address gum recession is gum grafting but it may seem intimidating because it sounds like it would be painful. If the dentist recommends a gum graft procedure, the ability to help your gums stop shrinking through any changes to your routine may not be effective. After you understand the procedure of gum grafting and ask the dentist questions about your concerns, you will be able to plan and prepare for the best ways to stay comfortable during and after your gum grafting.


Pain Management During Gum Grafting

No matter the number of teeth the dentist is going to address during your gum grafting procedure, the dentist has a number of ways to keep you from feeling pain during the surgery. The dentist will numb the specific area with a local anesthetic and then give it a protective dressing to promote healing once the dentist is done working. After the numb feeling starts to fade, you will start to feel some discomfort and notice some swelling where the dentist was working. The dentist may write you a prescription for an antibiotic to keep you free from infection and may write you a prescription for medication to help with the pain. Otherwise, the dentist may suggest an over the counter medication you can use to stay comfortable.


Pain Management After Gum Grafting

The dentist will give you specific and detailed post surgery instructions, but here are a few to keep in mind to help you heal quickly without complications.

1. Refrain from strenuous activity or exercise for 24 hours after surgery.
2. If your gums are bleeding, place clean gauze on either side of the gums but not one top of the wound.
3. Despite how curious you are, do not pull your lips away from where the dentist performed the gum grafting to see the wound better. You can open the healing tissue by stretching your gums or by running your tongue over the area frequently. If the dentist has placed dressing on the site, do not remove it until you are instructed to do so.
4. Eating and drinking hot items can cause unnecessary discomfort, so stick to room temperature soft foods while you heal. After the first week post surgery, you can try returning to your usual diet, but take care when you chew to avoid the surgical sites.
5. You will not be able to brush or rinse your mouth the day of your surgery.
6. The dentist may recommend a specific oral rinse, but you will want to swish with a mouth wash after 24 hours to kill bacteria and prevent infection.
7. Co not brush the surgical area for at least a month. When the dentist tells you that you are able to brush your teeth again, use a soft bristled toothbrush with gentle strokes.

How Long Does it Take Gum Grafting to Heal