The first decision patients who have decided to get dental veneers will have to make is what type of material they want their veneer to be made of. The two most common material types for veneers are composite and porcelain. Fortunately, both material types can yield tremendous results, especially if the cosmetic dentist performing the procedure is experienced. So how does one decide which material type to go with? To learn more about the differences between composite and porcelain veneers and help you determine which is most aligned with your specific needs and treatment goals, please refer to the following.
Benefits of Composite Veneers
The biggest benefit of composite veneers is their inexpensiveness. Compared to composite veneers, porcelain veneers can be over twice as expensive, which can make a tremendous impact on deciding which material type to go with, especially for patients who do not have dental insurance or for patients whose plans do not cover this procedure. While the total cost of treatment varies widely from clinic to clinic, on average the cost of a composite veneer will range from $250-$1,500 per tooth.
Another big advantage composite veneers have over porcelain veneers is they can be fabricated the same day as your treatment. In fact, when patients have composite veneers placed, your periodontist will actually apply a tooth-shaped resin onto your teeth which they shape and sculpt. Once this is done, a high-intensity light is used to harden the resin. Once the material is hardened, your periodontist will polish the resin in order to give it a more natural appearance. Placing porcelain veneers is more invasive and will take multiple appointments to complete.
The final way composite veneers have an edge over porcelain veneers is that the procedure is reversible. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers do not require reshaping your natural teeth in order for the veneer to fit, so if necessary, the composite material can be removed and replaced if needed.
Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
While these are all compelling reasons why some patients may gravitate towards composite veneers, it is important to keep in mind that there are several benefits unique to porcelain veneers that composite veneers do not provide. For instance, one of the biggest reasons your periodontist may recommend porcelain veneers is for their durability. Porcelain veneers are the most durable option among veneers, and if taken good care of, can last 10-15 years. Although porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers, factoring in that composite veneers will typically have to be replaced in half that amount of time means that the price difference between both procedures is not as large as it may actually seem.
In addition to the greater durability, porcelain veneers also offer the most natural looking results. In addition to having a translucent quality that is similar to enamel, porcelain veneers are also much less susceptible to staining, unlike composite veneers, which are much more porous.
Composite or Porcelain: How to Choose
Ultimately, the decision of whether to go with composite or porcelain veneers will come down to your personal treatment goals and the advice of your periodontist. It is important to be clear with your periodontist about what your specific treatment goals are, but it is also important for you to listen to what treatment option your periodontist thinks is best for you and why.