Just like keeping twice yearly dental appointments is one important part of maintaining good oral health, avoiding teeth staining foods is just one way to help keep your teeth white. It does not mean that you have to stop drinking coffee, wine and acidic beverages if you are looking to prevent staining. There are at home whitening treatments that work to lighten the current shade of your teeth.
How to Whiten Your Teeth at Home
If you are unhappy with the current shade of your teeth and want to whiten them, it is important to start with a conversation with the dentist. Their professional experience will help them tell you the cause of your staining and what the best way is to change the color of your teeth to a lighter shade. Your teeth may be stained on the surface from the foods and drinks you consume regularly; these are called extrinsic stains. Cigarette smoking, tea, and dark colored foods like beets change the color of the outer layer of your teeth or your tooth enamel. Most at home teeth whiteners and over the counter products will address this kind of staining.
At-home custom whitening trays
When you talk to the dentist about whitening your teeth at home, the dentist can offer you the option of a custom tray combined with a whitening agent. The dentist will fit you for a tray that is molded just for your teeth. The plastic whitening tray is easy to wear at home and the dentist will advise how long you should use the tray. The dentist will also be able to advise how many shades you can expect your teeth to lighten. This type of at home whitening option is not going to offer instantaneous results, but it will remove surface stains over time. The gradual whitening will be noticeable when you compare the starting color to the current one.
Over-the-counter teeth whiteners
When you are looking to whiten your teeth at home, you can start with whitening toothpaste and mouthwash because these can address surface stains. As compared to in office whitening treatments, at home and over the counter whitening treatments contain a lower concentration of bleaching ingredients. It is important to follow the instructions on the package carefully so you do not damage your tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitivity. If dentist has told you that your teeth have intrinsic stain or stains that are in a layer below the tooth surface, then these types of treatments will not address them.
Habits for Whiter Teeth
If you want to help your teeth get whiter, stay whiter and stay healthy, then practicing good oral hygiene is the first step. Take the time to brush your teeth twice a day, floss, and use oral rinses to address interdental cleaning that brushing can’t do alone. You do not have to give up your morning coffee or can of cola, but limiting those types of foods and drink will help stopping stains before they start. Finally, be sure to keep your regular dental appointments so the professional cleanings can address any issues and help keep your mouth healthy.
You can absolutely whiten your teeth at home without having to give up the comfort of your personal space while improving your smile. If you take care of your teeth now, then you can prevent future stains from causing you frustration. Lifestyle habits may be causing the surface stains you are fighting, so addressing those could further help your efforts to whiten your teeth.